On-site (in the field and museums) trainees

As part of its training provision, the FSA allows students enrolled in an introductory course of study on the ancient world to participate in its on-site activities (excavations and post-excavations, surveys, studies of items in museums). This traineeship can if necessary be validated as part of a programme of study.

Application requirements Candidates must be enrolled in studies at a level corresponding to at least the third year of an undergraduate degree (in archaeology, history and, if appropriate, Classics). For excavation traineeships, they must be in adequate physical condition and have excavation experience. Applications Route 1: application sent to those organising the activity Generally students are recruited directly in February-March by the person organising the activity, an academic working in a university, from amongst his or her own students: in this case, this person undertakes to obtain funding for the travel of the trainees whom he has recruited from his own university (whether from a unit for training and research (UFR), research centre, doctoral school, international office and so on) or to support the student in his or her dealings with another organisation (e.g. a local authority, foundation or sponsor). Route 2: application sent to the FSA Students from universities where no academic works on the FSA’s sites apply to the FSA directly. Applications submitted before 1st March will receive priority. Nevertheless, in case of need some applications received after this date may be reviewed. The application must include:
  • an application form (completed online)
  • a CV detailing field (excavation or surveying) or museum (drawing, post-excavation) experience
  • a letter of reference from an academic, or the person in charge of a project on which the applicant has already worked
  • a motivation letter which sets out the candidate’s skills in accordance with the type of activity for which he or she is applying.
Applications are submitted electronically:
  • the application form should be completed here on the FSA’s website.
Admission of trainees ‘Route 2’ applications are reviewed jointly by the FSA’s Direction of Studies and those organising the field activities concerned. In any event, the Direction of Studies reserves the right to place some students from this ‘pool’ into larger teams, with their travel costs borne by the FSA if necessary. Funding arrangements As a general rule, student trainees must obtain funding for their travel from their university (whether from a unit for training and research (UFR), research centre, doctoral school, internal office, employability grant and so on) or another organisation (such as a local authority or foundation) or sponsor. At all events, the FSA can cover this only in exceptional cases. Student trainees receive free accommodation from the FSA on the site where they carry out their duties. If there is availability, and only if their travel arrangements require them to pass through Athens, they may stay in the guesthouse in Athens: this is chargeable, regardless of the destination site (12 euros or 14 euros per night). Traineeship agreements So that the trainee may benefit from health coverage in the event of illness or accident during his or her stay in Greece, a traineeship agreement must be concluded. This document, in three copies, and signed by the higher education institution concerned, the FSA, and the student, specifies the duration of the traineeship, its aim, and the conditions of the trainee’s stay and funding. In the case of a dispute or misunderstanding, this is the only authoritative document between the three parties. All those organising activities who recruit student trainees are urgently asked to ensure that the traineeship agreement is drawn up and signed by the three partners at least fifteen days before the traineeship begins. The forms must be sent to the director of the FSA in three copies with all necessary information included. It should be noted that:
  • in the part concerning the FSA, the director’s name, as the signatory for the FSA, should be put down as the establishment’s legal representative
  • the name of the person organising the activity may be put under ‘maître de stage’ [‘traineeship supervisor’] where there is space for this.
Traineeship agreements will be dealt with and signed by the director of the FSA only if accompanied by a proof of tetanus vaccination. n.b.: the traineeship agreement is a separate document from the travel order, which must be sent when travel is commenced from the time when the trainee has the costs of his or her participation in the activity borne partially or wholly by the FSA. To speed up this procedure, the forms may be sent