1st Meeting- When Villains Write their History

Sunday 24 April 2022 - Monday 25 April 2022    
Toute la journée

 Journée d’études / Ημερίδα


When Villains Write their History – 1st Meeting
Political Banditry in the Balkans and Asia Minor through Ego-documents

This meeting is co-organised by the École française d’Athènes and the Exceptionnal Violences-Shatterzone project (supported by the ANR – ANR-19-FGEN-0001).


Hybrid meeting
  • Salle des conférences de l’EFA, Didotou 6  / Αίθουσα διαλέξεων της ΓΣΑ, Διδότου 6 / EFA Conference room, Didotou 6
  • Register for Day 1 / Register for Day 2


This workshop proposes to study political banditry via ego-documents produced by gang leaders or bandits, in an Ottoman and post-Ottoman regional framework including the Balkans, Asia Minor and the Caucasus, and concerning political banditry from the 1890s to the early 1920s. The aim of the workshop is to challenge the view that these texts are of a lesser value due to their subjective character. On the contrary, we postulate that the very nature of the ego-document allows for a heuristic interrogation of political banditry. The workshop will bring together scholars from the region in an international team. These researchers will present ego-documents written in different languages, having previously studied them according to a common grid of questions.


CONTACTSAssistance administrative pour la Direction des Études
+ 30 210 36 79 904

Nolwenn Grémillet
+ 30 210 36 79 943