SemMod- Identity and Belonging since 1922

Thursday 1 December 2022    
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 Séminaire moderne et contemporain – Modern and Contemporary Studies Seminar

Identity and Belonging since 1922: Memory and the Reconstitution of social and symbolic Space in Refugee Settlements in Greece. Three Case Studies

Ioannis Karachristos & Paraskevas Potiropoulos Hellenic Folklore Research Centre, Academy of Athens

Séminaire hybride / Υβριδικό σεμινάριο  / Hybrid seminar
=> Salle des conférences de l’EFA, Didotou 6  / Αίθουσα διαλέξεων της ΓΣΑ, Διδότου 6 / EFA Conference room, Didotou 6
=> Inscription au webinaire / Εγγραφή στο webinar


The Greco-Turkish War and the subsequent refugee flows, either caused by the tragic events of the war or by the Lausanne Treaty for the Population Exchange between Greece and Turkey remain, a hundred years on, a watershed moment for the region’s pasts and presents. The legacies of 1922 and its aftermath, therefore, served as a milestone (a time boundary) for the organization of the Asia Minor refugees’ collective memory, created a very specific way of remembering the pre-1922 past in their places of origin and played a key role in the process of building new identities during the post-1922 period in their new settlements in Greece.
The model chosen for the relocation of Asia Minor refugees in Greece was the collective settlement of people originating from a certain place into either separate settlements or settlements set up on the outskirts of existing cities. In addition to official state and international bodies, the old local communities which took over representation and safeguarding refugee interests during the relocation process played an important role in this process along with informal kin and local networks, through which the refugees sought to solve their everyday problems and to survive in their new living environment.
Based on systematic ethnographic field research and taking into account the relevant archival recordings, the presentation attempts to explore the personal, archival and institutional memory frames, as well as the intergenerational transmission of memories concerning the above-mentioned processes and their contribution to the creation of identities by both refugees themselves and their descendants in two rural settlements, namely Nea Michaniona in Thessaloniki and Nea Peramos in Attica and an urban settlement, Nikea in the suburbs of Piraeus, Athens. We will also explore the strategies –mnemonic to a great extent–   developed by the refugees, alongside their collective practices that aimed to reconstitute their social and symbolic place and to forge a sense of continuity between their old (now sites of memory) and their new settlements. They thus attempted to overcome the feeling of dystopia caused by the refugee’ experience and to establish their new homelands.

Dr. Ioannis Karachristos is a Senior Researcher, Hellenic Folklore Research Centre Academy of Athens. He studied history at the Universities of Athens and Vienna. He taught courses on Modern Greek History, European History, Historical Anthropology, Public History and the History of Childhood in Greek and Austrian universities. Between 1993 and 2008 he participated as a researcher in numerous scientific projects in Greece as well as abroad and since 2009 he has been working as a researcher (currently as a senior researcher) at the Hellenic Folklore Research Centre of the Academy of Athens. He is the author of the book Heirat, Verwandtschaft und Eigentumsübertragungen auf der griechischen Insel Syros 1750-1820: „Jetzt, wo mein Kind bereit ist in die Welt einzutreten‟, Verlag Dr. Kovač, Hamburg 2021.
Within the broader framework of digital humanities and digital folkloristics he undertook initiatives aiming at the digital transformation of the Hellenic Folklore Research Centre Archive and the formation of specialized databases/repositories, such as the “Archive of Popular Legends – Digital Repository”.
His research interests comprise Historical Ethnography, Oral History, Public History, Local History, History of the Family, Digital Humanities, Digital Folkloristics and digital cultural resource management, migration, memory, identities, popular religious practices, communal organization during the Ottoman rule and settlement of Asia Minor refugees in Greece.

Paraskevas Potiropoulos is a Senior Researcher at the Hellenic Folklore Research Centre of the Academy of Athens. After receiving a bachelor’s degree in education as an elementary school teacher, he studied Pedagogics, Philosophy, and Psychology at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in Greece. He received a master’s Degree in Social Anthropology and Folklore at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. He holds a Ph.D. in Folklore from the University of Ioannina, Greece.
He is both National Coordinator and National Representative for Greece in DARIAH EU (European Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities).
His research interests and publications, except for his engagement in the Digital Humanities, have been focused on identity politics, the symbolic construction of place, and the transformation of space, the refugees, and border regions. His academic interests include material culture, local identity, the methodology and epistemology of ethnographic research, and the role of archives and local museums in the agency of heritage.
He has published the book: Nea Michaniona: From the “Lost Homelands” to Present homeland, Thessaloniki 2003 (in Greek). He is co-editor of the collective books: Cultural Heritages, New Readings – Critical Approaches, Athens 2022 (in Greek), Folklore and Anthropology: Contribution to the dialogue (co-edited by Vassilis Nitsiakos), Athens 2018 (in Greek), and Smyrna: The Development of a Metropolis of the Eastern Mediterranean (17th c. – 1922). Acts of the International Scientific Conference (co-edited by Ioannis Karachristos), [in Greek], Athens 2016, etc. Also, he participates in editing the publications of the Folklore Center of the Academy of Athens. He is a staff member of “Konitsa International Summer School in Anthropology, Ethnography and Comparative Folklore of the Balkans”- Border Crossings Network.


Programme 2021-22 à venir

Le Séminaire moderne et contemporain est un moment d’échange dans lequel les chercheurs des programmes de la section moderne et contemporaine et des intervenants invités peuvent présenter leurs travaux en lien avec les axes thématiques de l’EFA et avec la programmation scientifique de la section, mais aussi avec l’actualité de la recherche sur les Balkans et la Méditerranée orientale. Lieu de rencontre entre chercheurs venant d’horizons différents, le séminaire vise tout à la fois à valoriser les recherches menées à l’EFA en histoire moderne et contemporaine, anthropologie, géographie, sociologie et histoire de l’art (et autres), et à faire connaître auprès de la communauté de l’EFA les recherches menées dans d’autres institutions de la région.
Pour l’année 2022, centenaire de la retraite de l’armée grecque d’Asie mineure, le séminaire sera en partie consacré aux questions relatives à la dite «Grande Catastrophe», aux échanges de populations et aux mémoires du conflit.

The Modern and Contemporary Studies Seminar is a moment of exchange gathering guest speakers and researchers from the programs of the modern and contemporary section, to present their work in connection with the structuring themes of the EFA and the research agenda of the section, as well as with current research on the Balkans and the Eastern Mediterranean. As a meeting point for researchers from different backgrounds, the seminar aims to promote the research carried out at the EFA in modern and contemporary history, anthropology, geography, sociology and art history (and others), but also to disseminate to the School’s community other research carried out by several institutions in the area.
For 2022, centenary of the Greek army’s retreat from Asia Minor, the seminar will be in part dedicated to issues pertaining to what has be called “the Asia Minor catastrophe”, the exchange of populations and the conflict’s memories.


CONTACTSIokasti Kammenou
Assistante administrative pour la Direction des Études
+ 30 210 36 79 958

Nolwenn Grémillet
+ 30 210 36 79 943