Séminaire de formation doctorale- Border management, Security, Migration and Refugee-Protection

The EU and its Mediterranean fringe – Doctoral workshop

Athens, French School at Athens, December 5 to 9, 2016
The European Union Center of Excellence McGill University –Université de Montréal and the French School at Athens with the support of the Phrixos Papachristidis chair in Modern Greek and Greek-Canadian studies (McGill), the University of the Aegean and the Center for Security studies/KE.ME.A (Athens) are organizing a doctoral workshop on one of the key issues regarding the present and future of the European Union.

Border management, Security, Migration and Refugee-Protection.
The EU and its Mediterranean fringe

Doctoral workshop
Athens, French School at Athens, December 5 to 9, 2016



The European Union Center of Excellence McGill University –Université de Montréal and the French School at Athens with the support of the Phrixos Papachristidis chair in Modern Greek and Greek-Canadian studies (McGill), the University of the Aegean and the Center for Security studies/KE.ME.A (Athens) are organizing a doctoral workshop on one of the key issues regarding the present and future of the European Union.

Final Programme

More than forty years since the beginning of the European Communities’ enlargement process towards the Mediterranean (Greece, Spain, Portugal), thirty years since the launch of the Schengen agreements, twenty years since the inception of the Euromed partnership (aka Barcelona initiative) et ten years since the creation of the Frontex agency, the EU is confronted with the need to re-define its policies vis-à-vis the Mediterranean given the geopolitical, political and economic challenges at its Mediterranean borders. This doctoral workshop will bring together Phd students from Montreal and EU universities to reflect in situ on these challenges with the support of EU and government policy experts, under the guidance of senior academics. Moreover, the participants will have the opportunity to meet governmental, IGO and NGO actors working on the field and visit specific sites.

Un peu plus de 40 ans après le début du processus de l’élargissement de la CEE vers la Méditerranée (Grèce, Italie, Portugal), 30 ans depuis le lancement des accords de Schengen, 20 ans depuis le lancement du Partenariat Euromed ou processus de Barcelone et dix ans après le lancement de la Frontex, l’UE est confrontée à la nécessité de redéfinir une politique méditerranéenne compte tenu des enjeux géopolitiques, politiques et socio-économiques qui se présentent non loin de ses rives.  Nous proposons de permettre à un groupe de doctorants d’universités canadiennes associées au CEUE Montréal de réfléchir sur ces enjeux in situ- là où la politique européenne est en train de se développer- en discutant avec des doctorants d’universités européennes, en rencontrant les acteurs européens confrontés aux sujets en question, en allant sur le terrain, en bénéficiant de l’appui et de l’expertise d’enseignants spécialistes de la question.

The workshop will take place at the French School at Athens, where the students will be lodged.
The EUCE will cover travel and lodging expenses for up to 8 doctoral students enrolled in Montreal Universities affiliated to it. 
The EFA will provide lodging for up to 8 more Phd students coming from Universities elsewhere in Europe.  Phd students from European Universities will be responsible for their own travel arrangements to Athens.
The organizers will try to provide food arrangements during the workshop.

Application process:
  • Open to Phd students enrolled for .
    => New application deadline : 09 november 2016
    => Application file should contain :
                   – short CV : 1 to 2 pages
                   – the online Application form
                   – a short presentation of the Phd thesis
  • The application files are uploaded on the following website (an account will have to be created on the website before submitting the application) : https://www.missions.efa.gr
Follow this process
  • Create an account
  • Log in to your account with your email and provided password
  • Choose “Gestion des demandes” à “Créer une demande” à “Candidature à un seminaire de formation doctorale” à Fill ou the form and attach the necessary pieces

  This project was financed thanks to the support of the European Commission