SemMod- Navigating Multiple Worlds

jeudi 13 octobre 2022    
Toute la journée

 Séminaire moderne et contemporain – Modern and Contemporary Studies Seminar

Navigating Multiple Worlds: Bodosakis-Athanasiadis and the Transformation of the Eastern Mediterranean from the Late Ottoman Empire to the Cold War

Mogens Pelt Director of the Danish Institute at Athens
Respondent : Kostis Gkotsinas Institute of Historical Research, NHRF

Séminaire hybride / Υβριδικό σεμινάριο  / Hybrid seminar

My talk is about the military contractor and businessman Prodromos Bodosakis-Athanasiadis who rose to prominence in the late Ottoman Empire. So great was his power that a later Turkish evaluation of who really ruled the lands bordering the Middle East and Anatolia during the First World War concluded that behind the mask of a military contractor Bodosakis was heading a government within the government. Even if this is an exaggeration, it is clear from other contemporary sources that Bodosakis’ influence was significant also after the collapse of the Ottoman Empire and when he had established himself in Greece.
In this way, Bodosakis’ agency also tells the story of the great transformations that shaped the lands of Eastern Mediterranean in the first half of the twentieth century and lays bare how power relations and networks forged during the late Ottoman Empire continued to shape state formation, politics, and international relations well into the era of the Cold War and how the agency of non-official actors with a past in the Ottoman world remained crucial also in the era of nation state.
The aim of my talk is to discuss how this came to pass and the ways in which Bodosakis transferred his power from the Ottoman world to the era of nation states to become an actor in the Eastern Mediterranean, coveted and feared by the great powers from Hitler’s Germany to Britain, France, and the United States.

Mogens Pelt Ph.D et Dr.Phil. is Director of the Danish Institute at Athens on a leave from his position as Associate Professor in International History at the History Section at the Saxo-Institute, University of Copenhagen. He is directing the research project The Greek Revolution and European Republicanism, 1815-1830: Ideas of Nation, People and Citizenship in the Making of the Constitutional State (Independent Research Fund Denmark) co-director with Professor Catharina Raudvere at the Centre ‘Many Roads in Modernity: South-eastern Europe and its Ottoman Roots’, University of Copenhagen (Carlsberg Foundation); member of directing board of Centre of the Study of Nationalism University of Copenhagen). He was a Stanley J. Seeger Fellow at the Program in Hellenic Studies, Princeton University 2008-9, attached to the Commission established by the Danish Parliament to Investigate the Danish Security Intelligence Service 2007-8; a researcher in the project Captive States, Divided Societies, Political Institutions of Southeastern Europe in Historical Comparative Perspective (Volkswagen Foundation);  a visiting Fellow at the Department of Near Eastern Studies, Princeton University in 1999 and Deputy-director at the Danish Institute at Athens, 1993-96.


Programme 2022

Le Séminaire moderne et contemporain est un moment d’échange dans lequel les chercheurs des programmes de la section moderne et contemporaine et des intervenants invités peuvent présenter leurs travaux en lien avec les axes thématiques de l’EFA et avec la programmation scientifique de la section, mais aussi avec l’actualité de la recherche sur les Balkans et la Méditerranée orientale. Lieu de rencontre entre chercheurs venant d’horizons différents, le séminaire vise tout à la fois à valoriser les recherches menées à l’EFA en histoire moderne et contemporaine, anthropologie, géographie, sociologie et histoire de l’art (et autres), et à faire connaître auprès de la communauté de l’EFA les recherches menées dans d’autres institutions de la région.
Pour l’année 2022, centenaire de la retraite de l’armée grecque d’Asie mineure, le séminaire sera en partie consacré aux questions relatives à la dite «Grande Catastrophe», aux échanges de populations et aux mémoires du conflit.

The Modern and Contemporary Studies Seminar is a moment of exchange gathering guest speakers and researchers from the programs of the modern and contemporary section, to present their work in connection with the structuring themes of the EFA and the research agenda of the section, as well as with current research on the Balkans and the Eastern Mediterranean. As a meeting point for researchers from different backgrounds, the seminar aims to promote the research carried out at the EFA in modern and contemporary history, anthropology, geography, sociology and art history (and others), but also to disseminate to the School’s community other research carried out by several institutions in the area.
For 2022, centenary of the Greek army’s retreat from Asia Minor, the seminar will be in part dedicated to issues pertaining to what has be called “the Asia Minor catastrophe”, the exchange of populations and the conflict’s memories.


CONTACTSIokasti Kammenou
Assistante administrative pour la Direction des Études
+ 30 210 36 79 958Nolwenn Grémillet
+ 30 210 36 79 943