Ethnographies of Capitalism

mardi 21 mai 2024 - mercredi 22 mai 2024    
Toute la journée

Ethnographies of Capitalism: Economic Anthropology Days in Athens

  • International conference « What happened to domestication? Hierarchies, tensions and mutuality in domestic life and economy in post-welfare Southern and Eastern Europe »
    Within the frame of the research programme “Domesticating Global Capitalism: Household, Co-ops and Power in a Post-memoranda Greek Province (DomEcon)

Institut français de Grèce – 21/05
Panteion University (Amphitheater Sakis Karagiorgas II) – 22/05


  • Book Launch « Broken Glass, Broken Class. Transformations of Work in Bulgaria », Dimitra Kofti, Berghahn, 2023.

École française d’Athènes – 22/05
