Séminaire Mobilités- Kirtsoglou-Tsimouris

Tuesday 20 March 2018    
Toute la journée

 Mobilités / Κινητικότητες / Mobilities


Crisis, Migration, Neoliberalism: a Postcolonial Critique of Bordering the Margins of Europe

Elizabeth Kirtsoglou Durham University
Giorgos Tsimouris Panteion University

British School at Athens – Souidias 52

Οrganisé par la British School at Athens (BSA) et l’École française d’Athènes (EFA), en collaboration avec le British Institute at Ankara (BIAA), et financé par le réseau Balkan Futures et l’EFAProgramme 2018

Our seminar will discuss the concept of the ‘crisis’ as a neoliberal technology of governance placing special emphasis on the biopolitical and thanatopolitical facets of exclusion in Modern Greece. Crises –we argue–produce states of exception, and facilitate the solidification of institutionalised asymmetries between places, spaces and social actors. Drawing from ethnographies of migration –past and present– and research on the effects of the Greek financial meltdown, we initiate a postcolonial analysis of the role of critical events in the coagulation of culturalist and racialised representations of what it means to be ‘Greek’ and ‘European’. Revisiting the intricate relations between mimesis and alterity in their spatial, narrative and embodied expressions, we examine the emergence of new geometries of power and geographies of risk and exclusion. Examining an array of public responses to recent political developments in Greece, we turn the focus to new visions of citizenship and sociality born out of critical historical conditions.Round Table discussion
Spyros Koulocheris Lawyer, Head of Legal Research, Legal Service, Greek Council for Refugees
Georgia Spiropoulou Advocacy officer, Hellenic League for Human Rights
Apostolos Veizis Director of Medical Operational Support Athens (SOMA), Médecins Sans Frontières Greece (MSF)
Thanasis Tirovolas Project Manager and Researcher, Diotima: Centre for Research on Women’s Issues


CONTACTSSophia Zoumboulaki
Assistante administrative pour la Direction des Études
+ 30 210 36 79 904

Nolwenn Grémillet
+ 30 210 36 79 943