Introduction to the collection

 Academic archives

Consisting of excavation notebooks and reports, notes, studies, drawings, plans, photographs and correspondence, the academic archives covering the worksites run by the FSA since its creation in 1846 are organised geographically, by country, region and site: Albania, Alexandria, Amathus, Argos, Asia Minor, Attica, Boeotia, Chalcidice, Cyprus, Crete, Delos, Delphi, Dikili Tash, Epirus, central Greece, islands, Kouphovouno, Macedonia, Malia, the Peloponnese, Philippi, Phocis-Locris, Ptoion, Thasos, Thessaly and Thrace.

The School also holds a non-exhaustive collection of dissertations submitted by the FSA’s academic members to the Academy of Inscriptions and Belles-Lettres (MEM series), archaeologists’ papers (FPArch series), and the Théophile Homolle, Charles Picard, Georges Daux, Pierre Amandry and Paul Courbin collections.

Parts of the geographical series and the archaeologists’ collections are on record in Calames, the online catalogue of higher education archives and manuscripts, and are the subject of entries in the catalogue of the FSA's library. Some excavation diaries and notebooks (from Argos, Claros, Delos, Delphi, Philippi and Thasos) have been digitised and put online.

n.b. that since the spring of 2014 the FSA library has been responsible for holding and circulating all theses and DEA/M2 dissertations.


 Administrative archives

The administrative archives (ADM series) make it possible to trace the administrative history of the FSA and the development of its academic policy since 1846. In particular, they contain the directors’ archives (statutes, correspondence, activity reports, board meetings etc.), and records relevant to the administration, operation (management of staff and members, property and furnishings) and academic activities of the School.
The archives relating to the French presence in Greece between 1894 and 1981 – the Alliance Française, the Franco-Hellenic League, the French primary school known as the ‘Giffard School’, of which the history was closely linked to that of the FSA, and other matters – are held in the ACE (associations, cultural mission, education and honours) series:
  • Education: the Giffard School, Institut de France, Alliances Françaises, certificates and exams, the propagation of French and Greek (1 ACE).
  • Honours (2 ACE).
  • The FSA’s relations with other institutions (3 ACE).
  • Charity work: the Franco-Hellenic League, the Greek Institut Pasteur, the French Prehistoric Society in Greece (4 ACE).
  • Renovation of the French military cemetery at Zeitenlik by Henri Ducoux (1935-1940) (5 ACE).